The OCaml compiler (virtual package)
This package requires a matching implementation of OCaml,
and polls it to initialise specific variables like ocaml:native-dynlink
Authors | Xavier Leroy, Damien Doligez, Alain Frisch, Jacques Garrigue, Didier Rémy and Jérôme Vouillon |
License | QPL-1.0 AND LGPL-2.1-or-later WITH OCaml-LGPL-linking-exception |
Published | |
Homepage | https://ocaml.org |
Issue Tracker | https://caml.inria.fr/mantis/ |
Maintainer | David Allsopp <david@tarides.com> |
Dependencies |
Edit | https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/tree/master/packages/ocaml/ocaml.3.08.1/opam |
Required by
- aacplus
- afl
- ago>=0.4
- aio
- aliases
- alsa<0.3.0
- alt-ergo<1.30
- altgr-ergo<1.30
- ansicolor
- ANSITerminal
- ao<0.2.2
- apron
- archimedes
- arg-complete>=0.2.1
- ascii85>=0.4
- asl
- assertions
- assimp
- async-uri>=0.4.0
- async_graphics<0.7.0
- atd<1.13.0
- atdgen<1.13.0
- augeas
- aws<1.0.1
- aws-autoscaling<1.2
- aws-cloudformation<1.2
- aws-cloudtrail<1.2
- aws-ec2<1.2
- aws-elasticloadbalancing<1.2
- aws-sdb<1.2
- aws-ssm<1.2
- aws-sts<1.2
- balancer
- bamboo
- bap-emacs-dot
- bap-emacs-goodies
- bap-emacs-mode
- bap-frames<2.1.2
- bap-saluki
- bap-signatures<2.4.0
- base-implicits
- base-metaocaml-ocamlfind
- base-native-int63
- base64<2.3.0
- bdd
- bddrand<2.71.15
- beluga<1.0
- bestline
- bheap
- bigstring<0.2
- bin_tree
- binaryen_dsl
- binbin
- bindlib<4.0.4
- biocaml
- bisect-summary
- bisect_ppx-ocamlbuild
- bitcoin<3.0
- bitmasks
- bitv>=1.4 & <2.0
- bjack<0.1.6
- bogue-tutorials<0.2.0
- bolt
- bsdowl
- bst>=3.0.0
- bytearray<1.0.2
- cairo2<0.6
- calendar<2.03.2
- caml-mode
- camlbz2
- camlgpc
- camlidl<1.07
- camlmix
- camlp4<4.02+1 | =4.02.0-1modular-implicits
- camlpdf<2.5
- camlprime
- caqti-async
- caqti-driver-mariadb
- caqti-driver-pgx<2.1.1
- caqti-driver-postgresql
- caqti-driver-sqlite3!=1.7.0
- caqti-lwt
- caqti-mirage
- caqti-tls
- caqti-type-calendar
- catala-format>=0.2.0
- cdrom
- ceph
- cfgen
- chalk
- choice<0.4
- clangml<0.5.2 | =
- clangml-transforms<0.25
- cmarker
- coccinelle<1.3.0
- combic
- conf-bap-llvm<1.7
- conf-binutils<0.3
- conf-ida<0.3
- configwith-test & >=0.0.3
- config-file<1.2
- coq-lsp>=0.1.9+8.17
- coq-shell
- cowabloga
- cpm>=4.0.0
- cppo<1.6.6
- cppo_ocamlbuild
- cpu
- craml
- crontab
- crunch<2.0.0
- cry!=0.6.4 & <1.0.0
- crypt
- cryptohash
- csv<1.6
- ctypes-build
- cudf<0.10
- curses<1.0.9
- daft<0.0.4
- datakit-client
- datakit-client-9p
- datakit-github
- datakit-server
- datakit-server-9p
- datalog<0.6
- dbm
- decoders<0.3.0
- decoders-ezjsonm<0.3.0
- decoders-yojson<0.3.0
- depext>=0.3
- deriving-yojson
- dispatch<0.4.1
- dkml-component-offline-ocamlrun
- dlm
- doc-ock-xml
- docker-api<0.2
- dockerfile>=1.1.0 & <1.7.2
- dokeysto
- dokeysto_camltc
- dokeysto_lz4
- dolmen<0.4
- dolog
- domainslib<0.3.2
- dose3<6.1
- dssi<0.1.3
- dtools<0.4.2
- dum
- dune-deps<1.4.0
- duration<0.1.2
- dyntype
- easy-format<1.3.0
- either
- elina
- elpi-option-legacy-parser
- errpy<0.0.9
- exenum<0.86
- expect<0.1.0
- extlib<1.7.9
- extunix<0.3.1
- ez-conf-lib
- ezdl<2.71.15
- ezjsonm<1.1.0
- ezjsonm-lwt>=1.1.0
- ezxenstore
- faad<0.5.0
- facile<1.1.4
- fasmifra
- fd-send-recv<2.0.2
- fdkaac<0.3.2
- feather<0.2.0
- ffmpeg<0.2.0
- fiat-p256<0.2.1
- fileutils<0.6.1
- fix<20181206
- flex-array
- fm-simplex-plugin<1.30
- forester<3.0.0
- format
- freetds<0.5.2
- freetennis
- frei0r<0.1.2
- FrontC<4.0.0
- fstreams
- funfields
- gamepad
- gammu<0.9.4
- gavl
- gbddml<2.71.15
- gd<1.1
- gen<0.5.3
- gen-bs
- genlet
- genspir
- geoip
- get_line<5.0.0
- getopt<20230213
- getopts<0.4.0
- gettext<0.4.1
- git-unix<1.10.0
- gitlab_pipeline_notifier
- glMLite<0.03.53
- glpk
- gmp-freestanding
- gmp-xen
- gobject-introspection
- gperftools
- gptar
- graphics<3.07 | =3.08.1
- graphicspdf
- graphql_jsoo_client
- grib<0.11.0
- grid<0.2.0
- gstreamer<0.3.0
- gxl-light
- hacl_x25519
- hashcons<1.4.0
- hashset
- headache=1.06
- heroicons-reason-react
- hevea<2.35
- hex<1.4.0
- higher
- hll<3.16
- hweak
- hyper<1.0.0~alpha2
- i2c
- inotify<2.4
- inquirer_oc
- inspect
- integers<0.3.0
- integration1d<0.5.1
- interval<1.5
- io
- irc-client>=0.7.0
- irc-client-lwt>=0.7.0
- irc-client-lwt-ssl>=0.7.0
- irc-client-tls>=0.7.0
- irc-client-unix>=0.7.0
- irmin-tezos>=3.2.1 & <3.4.0
- iter<1.3
- itv-tree
- jbuilder>=transition
- jhupllib<0.2.1
- joolog
- json-static
- jsondiff
- jwt
- kappa-agents<4.1.3
- kappa-binaries<4.1.3
- kappa-server
- kaputt
- kyotocabinet
- lablgl<1.06
- lablgtkosx
- ladspa<0.2.0
- lambdasoup<0.6.4
- lame<0.3.4
- lastfm<0.3.3
- launchd<1.3
- lbfgs
- lbvs_consent<2.0.0
- ldap<2.4.1
- lemonade<0.4.0
- lemonade-sqlite
- libevent<0.8.1
- libsail
- libsvm<0.9.2
- line_oriented
- linenoise!=1.0.0 & <1.3.1
- liquidsoap-daemon
- llopt
- llvm<3.7
- lo<0.2.0
- logs-async>=1.3
- logs-async-reporter>=1.3
- lpd
- lutin=2.71.10
- lwt-canceler<0.3
- lwt-parallel<1.0.0
- lwt-watcher
- lwt_camlp4
- lwt_domain<0.2.0
- lwt_eio<0.2
- lwt_glib
- lwt_log<1.1.2
- lwt_ppx<1.1.0
- lwt_react<1.2.0
- lwt_ssl
- lz4<1.2.0
- lz4_chans>=3.0.0
- lzo
- macaque
- mad<0.5.0
- magic<0.7.4
- magic-mime<1.0.1
- maildir
- markup<0.8.2
- mccs<1.1+11
- md2mld<0.6
- mecab
- mel
- melange-atdgen-codec-runtime
- melange-fest
- melange-fetch
- melange-json>=1.1.0
- melange-moment
- melange-numeral
- melange-react-dates
- melange-recharts
- melange-testing-library
- melange-webapi>=0.21.0
- meldep
- merlin-of-pds
- mesh<0.9.0
- mesh-display
- mesh-easymesh<0.9.0
- mesh-triangle<0.9.0
- milter
- minicaml<0.3.1
- minicli>=5.0.0
- minilight
- minisat=0.2
- minivpt
- mirage-bootvar-xen<0.6.0
- mirage-btrees
- mirage-clock<2.0.0
- mirage-clock-freestanding<2.0.0
- mirage-clock-lwt<2.0.0
- mirage-clock-unix<1.4.1
- mirage-clock-xen
- mirage-console<2.2.0 | =2.3.3
- mirage-console-lwt!=2.3.2 & <2.3.4
- mirage-console-unix<2.2.0
- mirage-device<1.2.0
- mirage-flow<1.5.0
- mirage-flow-lwt<1.5.0
- mirage-flow-unix<1.5.0
- mirage-fs<1.0.0
- mirage-nat<1.1.0
- mirage-net<1.1.1
- mirage-net-lwt<1.2.0
- mirage-net-macosx<1.5.0
- mirage-no-solo5
- mirage-no-xen
- mirage-random<1.2.0
- mirage-seal
- mirage-time<1.3.0
- mirage-time-lwt<1.3.0
- mirage-time-unix<1.3.0
- mirage-types<1.0.0 | >=3.0.0 & <3.0.7
- mirage-types-lwt<3.0.7
- mirage-vnetif<0.4.1
- mirage-xen-minios
- mkaudio>=1.1.0 & <1.1.2
- mlbdd<0.7.2
- mm<0.5.0 | >=0.7.0 & <0.7.4
- mmap=1.1.0
- mmseg>=transition
- mock<0.1.1
- mock-ounit<0.1.1
- molenc>=7.0.1 & <15.4.0
- monadlib
- monomorphic<1.5
- more-ocaml
- mosquitto
- moss
- mparser<1.3
- mrt-format
- mstruct
- murmur3<0.3
- mybuild<7
- mysql
- netlink
- nlopt-ocaml>=transition
- not-ocamlfind!=0.07 & <0.09
- nproc
- oasis2opam
- obeam=0.1.2
- obuild
- obus>=1.2.0 & <1.2.5
- oc45
- ocal<0.2.1
- ocaml-base-compilerpost & =3.08.1
- ocaml-buddy
- ocaml-expat<1.0.0
- ocaml-inifiles
- ocaml-makefile<6.39.2
- ocaml-markdown
- ocaml-protoc<1.2.0
- ocaml-protoc-yojson<0.2.0
- ocaml-r<0.4.0
- ocaml-systempost & <4.13.0
- ocaml-systemd>=1.2
- ocaml-twt
- ocaml-xdg-basedir<transition
- ocamldap>=transition
- ocamldiff<1.2
- ocamldsort
- ocamlfind>=1.9.6
- ocamlfind-lint
- ocamlfuse<2.7.1-cvs7
- ocamlgraph<2.0.0
- ocamlify
- ocamline
- ocamlmod
- ocamlrss
- ocamlscript<3.0.0
- ocamlsdl
- ocamlsdl2-image
- ocamlsdl2-ttf
- ocamlwc
- ocamlyices
- OCanren<0.2.0
- OCanren-ppx<0.3.0~alpha1
- ocephes
- oclock
- ocp-browser<1.1.7
- ocp-build>=1.99.21
- ocp-indent
- ocp-pack-split
- ocplib-endian<1.1
- ocplib-resto
- ocsfml
- ocurl<0.8.2
- odbc
- odnnr
- ogg=0.6.1
- omlr
- opam-bundlebuild
- opam-file-format<2.1.6
- opam-lib
- opam-lock
- opam-package-upgrade<0.2
- opam-publish<2.0.0
- opamconfig
- opamfu
- openbsd
- opencc
- oplsr
- opti
- optimization1d
- opus<0.2.0
- oqamldebug
- orandforest
- orf<1.0.1
- orm
- orrandomForest
- orsvm_e1071
- orxgboost
- osdp<1.1.1
- ostap<0.6
- osx-acl
- osx-attr
- osx-cf
- osx-fsevents
- osx-membership
- osx-mount
- osx-secure-transport
- osx-xattr
- otetris
- otto
- ounit<2.0.5
- override>=0.2.0 & <0.3.0
- pa_comprehension
- pa_monad_custom
- pa_where
- papi
- parany>=7.0.2 & <12.0.2
- parmap<1.1.1
- pbkdf<0.3.0
- pcap-format<0.5.2
- pci-db
- pds-reachability<0.2.2
- pgocaml<2.3
- phashtbl
- piqi<0.7.6
- piqilib<0.6.14
- pixel_pusher
- plotkicadsch>=0.2.0 & <0.4.0
- polars
- polka<2.71.15
- polly<0.4.1
- portaudio<0.2.2
- posix-clock
- posix-getopt<2.0.0
- posix-math
- posix-mqueue
- posix-semaphore
- posix-time
- ppx_blob>=0.3.0 & <0.9.0
- ppx_derivers
- ppx_deriving_cmdliner<0.4.1
- ppx_deriving_madcast>=0.2
- ppx_deriving_protobuf<2.7
- ppx_deriving_protocol>=0.8.1
- ppx_deriving_variant_string
- ppx_distr_guards=0.2
- ppx_dream_eml
- ppx_gen_rec
- ppx_graphql
- ppx_nanocaml
- ppx_optint
- ppx_sqlexpr
- ppx_system
- prof_spacetime
- profiler-plugin<1.30
- proj4
- promise
- ptmap!=2.0.4
- ptset
- publish
- pulseaudio<0.1.4
- pure-splitmix<0.3
- pyml<20180530
- qbf<0.3
- qfs<0.5
- qmp
- qrencode
- r2pipe
- randomconv<0.1.1
- rashell>=0.2.0
- re<1.7.2
- reactjs-jsx-ppx
- reason-react>=0.14.0
- rescript-syntax
- reshowcase
- result
- riak
- riak-pb
- rlp
- rml<1.09.05
- rpclib-async!=6.0.0
- rpclib-html
- rpclib-js
- rpclib-lwt!=6.0.0
- rtree
- rungen
- rusage
- samplerate<0.1.6
- satML-plugin<1.30
- schroedinger
- scrypt
- secp256k1
- secp256k1-internal<0.2.0
- selfie
- semaphore-compat
- seq!=0.3 & <base
- sequence
- session<0.4.0
- session-cohttp<0.5.0
- session-cohttp-async<0.5.0
- session-cohttp-lwt<0.5.0
- session-postgresql<0.5.0
- session-postgresql-async<0.5.0
- session-postgresql-lwt<0.5.0
- session-redis-lwt<0.5.0
- session-webmachine<0.5.0
- setcore
- sha>=1.13 & <1.15.1
- shades
- shapefile
- shine<0.2.2
- simlog<0.0.4
- simple_pam
- smtp
- snappy
- socketcan
- sodium<0.6.0
- soundtouch
- spacetime_lib
- speex<0.4.0
- spf
- spirv
- spotify_ml
- sqlgg<0.4.3
- srs
- srt<0.1.1
- starred_ml
- starterkit
- statmemprof-emacs
- statverif
- stb_image
- stb_image_write
- stb_truetype<0.4
- stdcompat<3 | >=5
- stdint<0.6.0
- stemmer
- stemming
- stone
- sys-socket
- sys-socket-unix
- tablecloth-native!=0.0.8
- tabr
- taglib<0.3.6
- termbox
- text
- textwrap
- tezt-bam
- theora<0.4.0
- tip-parser<0.5
- tjr_simple_earley
- tlstunnel
- toc
- tofn
- topkg-jbuilder
- tptp
- traildb
- trakeva
- trampoline
- travis-opam
- tsdl-ttf<0.3
- tuareg
- ucaml
- uint<2.0.1
- ulex
- unison<2.51.4
- unix-sys-resource
- unix-sys-stat
- unix-time
- unix-type-representations
- unix-unistd
- uring-trace
- uritemplate>=0.2.0
- varint
- vcardgen<1.2
- vector
- vector3
- vhdlib
- vlq>=0.2.0
- vmnet<1.3.2
- voaacenc
- vpnkit
- vpt<5.0.0
- wall
- win-eventlog<0.4
- wiringpi
- wyrd
- xapi-backtrace
- xapi-inventory>=1.2.3
- xapi-stdext-encodings<4.22.0
- xapi-stdext-pervasives<4.16.0
- xapi-stdext-threads
- xapi-stdext-unix=4.20.0
- xapi-stdext-zerocheck
- xenstore_transport<1.0.0
- xml-light<2.5
- xmlplaylist<0.1.5
- xxhash
- yajl
- yices2
- yosqlite
- z3<4.8.14
- zarith<1.12
- zarith-freestanding
- zarith-xen
- zbar
- zeit
- zlib
- zlist<0.4.0
- zmq<5.1.0
- zmq-async<5.1.0
- zmq-lwt<5.1.0
- zstd