An RFC3986 URI/URL parsing library
This is an OCaml implementation of the RFC3986 specification for parsing URI or URLs.
Tags | url uri org:mirage org:xapi-project |
Authors | Anil Madhavapeddy, David Sheets and Rudi Grinberg |
License | ISC |
Published | |
Homepage | https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-uri |
Issue Tracker | https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-uri/issues |
Maintainer | anil@recoil.org |
Dependencies | |
Source [http] | https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-uri/releases/download/v4.4.0/uri-4.4.0.tbz sha256=cdabaf6ef5cd2161e59cc7b74c6e4a68ecb80a9f4e96002e338e1b6bf17adec4 sha512=88374143e0d8aaf6d40aa3cbd7593f9832e9c9727738c6e651498125150c83d5646e13b5737d5c3e81484dd041127f67f8acea13fdc0300ac4e46107559f8ae2 |
Edit | https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/tree/master/packages/uri/uri.4.4.0/opam |
Required by
- amqp-client-async>=2.1.0
- amqp-client-lwt>=2.1.0
- archetype<0.1.5 | >=1.2.10
- async-uri<0.2 | =0.3.0
- async_js>=v0.13.0
- aws
- aws-s3
- azblob
- azure-cosmos-db
- bap-bundle
- bap-byteweight>=2.2.0
- bap-patterns
- bap-plugins>=2.2.0
- bap-std>=2.2.0
- bap-trace>=2.2.0
- bap-traces
- bap-veri
- beluga>=1.1
- biocaml
- biotk>=0.2.0
- bonsai>=v0.16.0
- builder-web
- calculon-web
- caldav
- camyll>=0.3.0
- canary
- capnp-rpc>=2.0
- capnp-rpc-lwt>=0.3.1 & <2.0
- capnp-rpc-net
- caqti
- caqti-driver-postgresql>=1.9.1
- carbon
- cohttp>=2.1.3
- cohttp-async>=2.1.3
- cohttp-curl-asyncwith-test
- cohttp-curl-lwtwith-test
- cohttp-eio
- cohttp-lwt>=4.0.0
- conduit>=1.3.0
- conduit-async>=2.3.0
- conduit-lwt-unix
- conduit-mirage>=2.3.0
- cookie
- coq-lsp>=0.1.5+8.16
- cow
- current_examples>=0.4
- current_github>=0.4
- current_slack>=0.4
- current_web>=0.4
- dns<4.0.0
- doi2bib=0.4.0
- dream
- dream-pure
- dream_middleware_ext
- ezresto
- forester>=4.1.0
- functoria>=4.0.0~beta1
- gemini
- git
- git-cohttp
- git-cohttp-mirage
- git-cohttp-unix
- git-mirage>=3.7.0
- git-paf
- git-unixwith-test & >=3.0.0
- github
- gitlab
- gluon
- grpc
- guardian
- httpaf_caged
- hvsock>=2.0.0
- hyper
- icalendar
- ip2locationio
- ip2whois
- irmin
- irmin-cli
- irmin-git>=2.3.0
- irmin-http>=2.3.0
- irmin-mirage-git>=2.3.0
- irmin-mirage-graphql>=2.3.0
- irmin-server
- irmin-unix>=2.3.0
- json-data-encoding
- kubecaml
- lambda-runtime
- letsencrypt>=0.3.0
- links
- liquidsoap>=2.1.1 & <2.2.0 | >=2.3.1
- liquidsoap-core
- lsp=1.12.3
- mechaml>=1.2.0
- mehari
- mehari-eio<0.3
- memtrace_viewer<v0.15.0
- minima-theme
- mirage>=4.5.0
- mirage-block-unix
- monorobot
- moss
- naboris
- nbd
- nbd-tool
- obi
- ocaml-lsp-server=1.12.3
- ocaml_openapi_generator
- ocplib-json-typed
- octez-client
- octez-internal-libs
- octez-libs
- octez-node
- octez-protocol-001-PtCJ7pwo-libs
- octez-protocol-002-PsYLVpVv-libs
- octez-protocol-003-PsddFKi3-libs
- octez-protocol-004-Pt24m4xi-libs
- octez-protocol-005-PsBabyM1-libs
- octez-protocol-006-PsCARTHA-libs
- octez-protocol-007-PsDELPH1-libs
- octez-protocol-008-PtEdo2Zk-libs
- octez-protocol-009-PsFLoren-libs
- octez-protocol-010-PtGRANAD-libs
- octez-protocol-011-PtHangz2-libs
- octez-protocol-012-Psithaca-libs
- octez-protocol-013-PtJakart-libs
- octez-protocol-014-PtKathma-libs
- octez-protocol-015-PtLimaPt-libs
- octez-protocol-016-PtMumbai-libs
- octez-protocol-017-PtNairob-libs
- octez-protocol-018-Proxford-libs
- octez-protocol-019-PtParisB-libs
- octez-protocol-020-PsParisC-libs
- octez-protocol-alpha-libs
- octez-proxy-server
- octez-shell-libs
- octez-smart-rollup-client-PtMumbai<17.3
- octez-tx-rollup-client-PtLimaPt
- oidc
- omigrate
- opamfu
- opium>=0.19.0
- pafwith-test
- paf-cohttpwith-test
- pf-qubes
- piaf
- picos_io_cohttp
- picos_metawith-test
- pure-html
- rdf
- resto
- resto-acl
- resto-cohttp-client
- resto-cohttp-self-serving-client
- riot
- rss
- sarif
- satyrographos>=
- scgi
- sentry
- server-reason-react
- slack
- smaws-lib
- spotify-web-api
- stog>=0.17.0
- syndic
- textrazor
- tezos-baking-015-PtLimaPt
- tezos-baking-015-PtLimaPt-commands
- tezos-baking-016-PtMumbai
- tezos-baking-016-PtMumbai-commands
- tezos-baking-017-PtNairob
- tezos-baking-017-PtNairob-commands
- tezos-baking-alpha
- tezos-baking-alpha-commands
- tezos-base>=16.0
- tezos-client-001-PtCJ7pwo
- tezos-client-002-PsYLVpVv
- tezos-client-003-PsddFKi3
- tezos-client-004-Pt24m4xi
- tezos-client-005-PsBabyM1
- tezos-client-006-PsCARTHA
- tezos-client-007-PsDELPH1
- tezos-client-008-PtEdo2Zk
- tezos-client-009-PsFLoren
- tezos-client-010-PtGRANAD
- tezos-client-011-PtHangz2
- tezos-client-012-Psithaca
- tezos-client-013-PtJakart
- tezos-client-014-PtKathma
- tezos-client-015-PtLimaPt
- tezos-client-016-PtMumbai
- tezos-client-017-PtNairob
- tezos-client-alpha
- tezos-client-base
- tezos-client-base-unix
- tezos-client-commands
- tezos-event-logging>=16.0
- tezos-mockup-proxy
- tezos-mockup-registration
- tezos-proxy
- tezos-proxy-server-config
- tezos-rpc>=16.0
- tezos-rpc-http>=16.0
- tezos-signer-backends
- tezos-stdlib-unix>=16.0
- tezos-test-helpers
- tezt-performance-regression
- tezt-tezos
- uri-bench
- uri-re>=4.4.0
- uri-sexp>=4.4.0
- validate
- virtual_dom>=v0.16.0
- wamp>=1.1
- wtr
- wtr-ppx
Optionally used by
- picoswith-test & =0.4.0