MirageOS type-classes
A set of functors and combinators to pretty-print (using sexplib), to convert to and from and JSON and Cstruct buffers.
# Tc.show (module Tc.S) "Hello world!";;
- : string = "\"Hello world!\""
# Tc.to_json (module Tc.App2(Tc.P)(Tc.I)(Tc.S)) (3, "foo");;
- : Ezjsonm.t = `A [`String "3"; `String "foo"]
A slightly more complex example, using autogen code instead of functor composition:
# camlp4o;;
# require "sexplib.syntax";;
# require "comparelib.syntax";;
# require "bin_prot.syntax";;
# module M = struct
type t = { foo: int; bar: string list } with sexp, bin_prot, compare
# module X = Tc.I0(M);;
# let t = { foo = 3; bar = [ "hello"; "world" ] };;
# Tc.to_json (module X) t;;
- : Ezjsonm.t =
[`A [`String "foo"; `String "3"];
`A [`String "bar"; `A [`String "hello"; `String "world"]]]
# Tc.write_string (module X) t;;
- : string = "\003\002\005hello\005world"
Author | Thomas Gazagnaire |
License | ISC |
Published | |
Homepage | https://github.com/mirage/mirage-tc |
Issue Tracker | https://github.com/mirage/mirage-tc/issues |
Maintainer | thomas@gazagnaire.org |
Dependencies |
Source [http] | https://github.com/mirage/mirage-tc/archive//0.3.0.tar.gz sha256=5165f3ca03114531dc352b1076f6e1a5fe324363d21fbcab9f71d48699fc09d2 md5=909caab4b9a99a76b3fb6c1147e1741b |
Edit | https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/tree/master/packages/mirage-tc/mirage-tc.0.3.0/opam |
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