opam-version: "2.0" maintainer: "7895506+MSoegtropIMC@users.noreply.github.com" authors: "Guillaume Melquiond" bug-reports: "https://gitlab.inria.fr/gappa/gappa/-/issues" homepage: "https://gitlab.inria.fr/gappa/gappa" dev-repo: "git+https://gitlab.inria.fr/gappa/gappa.git" license: "CECILL-2.1" patches: [ "0001-Added-configure-for-c-11.patch" ] build: [ [ "autoreconf" ] # Note: configure.in seems to reference this file [ "touch" "stamp-config_h.in" ] [ "./configure" # If someone knows how to ask MacPorts for the usual include and lib path, please tell me "CXXFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include" { os-distribution = "macports" & os = "macos" } "LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib" { os-distribution = "macports" & os = "macos" } # Support installing on Apple Silicon with Homebrew "CXXFLAGS=-I/opt/homebrew/include" { os-distribution = "homebrew" & os = "macos" & arch = "arm64"} "LDFLAGS=-L/opt/homebrew/lib" { os-distribution = "homebrew" & os = "macos" & arch = "arm64"} # Support for windows "--build=%{arch}%-pc-cygwin" { os = "win32" & os-distribution = "cygwinports" } "--host=%{arch}%-w64-mingw32" { os = "win32" & os-distribution = "cygwinports" } "--target=%{arch}%-w64-mingw32" { os = "win32" & os-distribution = "cygwinports" } "--prefix=%{prefix}%" ] [ "./remake" "--jobs=%{jobs}%" ] ] install: [ "./remake" "-d" "install" ] depends: [ "conf-g++" {build} "conf-autoconf" {build} "conf-automake" {build} "conf-gmp" "conf-mpfr" "conf-boost" "conf-bison" {build} "conf-flex" {build} ] synopsis: "Tool intended for formally proving properties on numerical programs dealing with floating-point or fixed-point arithmetic" url { src: "https://gitlab.inria.fr/gappa/gappa/-/archive/gappa-1.4.0.tar.gz" checksum: "sha512=d5ed841fc8def27ae3973c97d9a242e2fe4997888d3a8c2d46029aab2c5311ec5d0df3a0780fc88eead20d6aa4b34122c9bb8d290f3a2b4886488f34602d43c7" } extra-source "0001-Added-configure-for-c-11.patch" { src: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ocaml/opam-source-archives/main/patches/gappa/0001-Added-configure-for-c-11.patch" checksum: [ "sha256=5d9ff1e6461834c2d3d6c4cb1f9dd7424a4a681b40cab19a6fbbe0ff8d50284e" "md5=b6a6dbe9a12feae79eab038864208a3c" ] }